Saturday, February 28, 2009

Maggie Gabs

Maggie tells you all about it...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kiss Me

Maggie and her Leprechaun Bear model her new "kiss me I'm irish" t-shirt.

...and here's brother all tuckered out from St. Paddy's day festivities last year.

Maggie <3s David Bowie

Maggie rocks her vintage David Bowie T-shirt, inherited from cousin Jack.

Dressed for the Cold

A couple of shots of Mags in some winter gear.Her lambikins jogging suit

Her snow bunny suit


Bear Hat

Maggie models her pink bear hat

Lil Sweetie

Little Sweetie's Feeties

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Maggies New Mobile

Maggie got a new toy for Christmas that she and Wyatt both enjoy.