Sunday, September 28, 2008

Maggie Gets Hooge

We got another ultrasound on Thursday the 25th of September to track Maggie's Progress for possible induction. At 38 weeks she's already 8.57 lbs! The Ultrasound tech said she was just too big to get a decent capture of her face but we tried anyway. She appears to be sucking her thumb (or maybe doing her version of 'The Thinker').

I have a doctor's appointment Monday the 29th. The doc said if Maggie's ultrasound looked good that she might go on and put me in the hospital since they were planning on inducing at 39 weeks anyway. If we can get her borned before October first she can make the cutoff for school and she and Wyatt will be one grade apart. Everytime I tell someone that they look at me all funny but honestly if they're going to induce early anyway they might as well be killing two birds with one stone. I think 8 and a half pounds is a sizeable enough baby :)

Last night when Liz and I got home from shopping I started to feel quite strange. I was all keyed up and restless and my back was cramping, I assumed because I'd been on my feet for a long time getting my shop on. So I laid in bed last night timing what felt very much to me like contractions (even though admitedlly I'm not even sure what contractions are supposed to feel like). They seemed to come at regular twelve minute intervals between when I started timing at 11:34 and finally forced myself to go to sleep at 2am.

So far this morning I'm not sure if I've had any more. I know she's moving around in there and I feel generally sore and crampy but since I'm not laying down and they aren't super strong I'm not sure what might be a contraction and what's gas pains from the tontino's party pizza I ate for dinner last night :). Maybe the whole episode last night was wishful thinking. Everyone keep your fingers crossed! Mommy and Wyatt are going for another walk around the block...